Work experience can seem daunting but spending some time in a healthcare environment is the best way to find out if it is for you. Below are 5 top tips to ensure you gain the most from your experience which will help you in medical school interviews and beyond.
1. Be open minded
You might want to spend your work experience with a neurosurgeon for a week in a hospital but this can be hard to secure and instead you might have ended up with 2 days in a GP surgery but remember you can learn something from every situation you are in. Go in with an open mind that wherever you get placed, you will likely see something new and therefore it is a chance to learn something. With healthcare and the role of doctors being so wide, there is opportunity everywhere.
2. Say yes to opportunities
A lot of your role will be to observe during your work experience but if there is any chance to play a more active role, I would really encourage you to say yes to this. This could be something as small as calling a patient in from the waiting room into the clinic room but even these small patient interactions will make you feel more comfortable in the environment and also show you whether you enjoy being there.
3. Do not be afraid to ask questions
This may seem easier said than done, as it can often feel intimidating being in a new environment with people who are a lot more qualified to be there. However, you only have a short period of time during work experience and to make it as enriching as possible, asking questions is so much better than spending the whole time not quite sure what people around you are discussing. There is constant learning in medicine, with junior doctors learning from senior doctors so most people will be more than happy to answer your queries.
4. Keep a diary
Whether you write down what you saw during your lunch break or when you get home at the end of the day, keeping a diary is so important. Being in a new environment can be challenging in itself so it can be easy to forget small interactions that happened during your work experience. Writing these down will be invaluable when you are later writing your personal statement or preparing for interviews.
5. Reflect on your experiences
This is probably the most important thing you can do after your work experience. It is important to spend a few minutes with your thoughts after your work experience and really think about what it meant for you. Did it confirm your mind about applying for medicine? Were you particularly surprised by something you saw? How did seeing medicine in action make you feel? Was there a particular patient that stood out for you?
Remember your work experience is not just a checklist you have to do to write about on your personal statement, it is a real chance for you to step into the world of medicine and see if you can picture yourself there. As a bonus – more important than the number of days you spend there or the number of patients you see on work experience, is what you take away from it, and what you learn from it. As always if you have any questions feel free to send us an email or leave a comment.
Have a good week!